You Can Win Book by Shiv Khera - Book Summary

Book Name : You Can Win
Author Name : Shiv Khera
Amazon link : You Can Win Book

You Can Win is one of the most motivational books for everyone. This book was written by the Indian author Shiv Khera. And the author explains it in an easy manner. Simply this book is a step by step tool for top Achievers. And the theme of this book is You Can Win anything by positive thinking.
This book is very helpful to the young people to achieve their goals and dreams.

About the Author (Shiv Khera) :

Before discussing the You Can Win Summary, first talk about the book's writer Shiv Khera. He is an Indian writer of self improvement guides and a dissident. He propelled a development against position based reservation India. Established an association called nation first establishment, and began Bharatiya Rashtravadi Samanta party.
In 1998 Khera distributed his first book YOU CAN WIN (Jeet Aapki in Hindi). This book centers around making progress through self-improvement and an uplifting disposition. Different books composed by Khera is Living with Honor about living decently and honorably in a cracked world.

You Can Win Summary propels individuals and take things directly from your everyday life and transforms them into positive push. This book is for the individuals who seek after adjusted character and who need to move towards progress with inspiration. This is anything but difficult to pursue a self improvement guide.

Significance of Positive Attitude :

Your mentality makes you a champ in your life. How before long will any issue in your life end. It relies upon your disposition. How huge is your disposition in your life? To clarify this, I disclose to you a story. 

This is the story. David and Goliath, when David went to meet his sibling, he discovered there was a beast's frenzy. David said - for what reason don't you battle with that beast? His sibling said - The beast is large to such an extent that he can not be executed.

Shiv Khera about Self-esteem :

What's your opinion about yourself? This thing matters much more to your life. On the off chance that you imagine that you can not do much in your life, at that point you will always be unable to accomplish something greater. 

Then again, in the event that you believe that you can do a great deal in your life, at that point you will truly make much greater, so your consideration ought to consistently be towards high confidence. 

sometime in the distant past. A youngster was going through a station. There a poor person was sitting with a bowl loaded with pencils. The youngster put some cash in the bowl and proceeded. 

At the point when he sat in the train, he remembered something, at that point he remembered something. She quickly got off the train and went to the hobo. From that point onward, he got a couple of pencils from the bowl and said - I'll take a few pencils for this cash. 

You are a representative and I as well, in the wake of saying so a lot, he is sitting in the train once more. A couple of months after the fact, the individual went to a gathering. In a similar gathering, the homeless person was additionally present in formal attire.

Meaning of  a SMART Goal :

As indicated by the creator, your objective ought to be brilliant. I mean keen to you by a decent way. 

  • 'S' for Specific - The reasonable case of - If you are considering getting more fit then this is only a desire. This objective will at that point be framed. At the point when you choose how long you will get thinner. 

  • 'M' for Measurable - that will be estimated. On the off chance that you can not gauge your objective, at that point you can not get it. 

  • 'A' for Achievable - for example deserving of accomplishing Your objective ought to be brimming with challenges however not feasible. 

  • 'R' for Realistic - I mean, on the off chance that somebody needs to shed 20kg in a day, at that point it is incomprehensible, so your objective ought to be genuine. 

  • 'T' for Time Bound - for example planned, you should know the time and time to begin your work. 

Shiv Khera about Success :

In the event that you gain proficiency with the example of overcoming adversity of any effective individual, you will find that the individual has figured out how to beat numerous disappointments and succeed. You have confronted such huge numbers of disappointments throughout your life. Individuals don't have any effect to this point. They simply needed the outcome.

So we should talk about the ethics according to Author :

  • At the point when our demeanor is correct, we understand that we are altogether strolling on sections of land and sections of land of precious stones. 
  • The grass on the opposite side consistently looks greener 
  • Creator says that each individual in this world, like grass on the opposite side, implies when you like another person's grass then another person additionally prefers some different people's grass. 
  • Creator says that whenever individuals don't have the foggiest idea how to perceive opportunity, they gripe of clamor when it thumps. 
  • A similar open door never thumps twice, the following open door can be better or more terrible however it can never be the equivalent.

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